Hull Cleaning
in Puerto Rico
Complete Underwater Hull Cleaning in Puerto Rico
Why choose us over other hull cleaning service providers? At UCSPR, we are gentle on your paints when cleaning. Our team of trained, certified divers are equipped with the tools and techniques to take off all the growth while leaving as much of the anti-fouling paint on the boat as possible. We guarantee the greatest level of care on your boat for the smoothest bottom.
Benefits of a Regular Hull Cleaning
Maximize Longevity
By maintaining a routine, your paint will remain intact.
Fuel Economy
Expect improvements in your boat’s fuel economy and overall performance.
Prevent engine overheating due to blocked intakes.
Increase Speed
Maintaining your boat clean helps achieve a smooth ride each time you hit the water.
Before & After

Hull Cleaning FAQ's
What Is A Hull?
The hull of a boat includes the main body, ranging from the the waterline of the vessel to the bottom of the keel, along with the keel, all running gears, trims, shaft, transducers, knot meters, rudders and intakes.
As part of your underwater hull cleaning, you can leave your boat in the water throughout the process. We have the tools and technology needed to perform service without risking any damage to the vessel.
Why Is Hull Cleaning Important?
Maintaining a regular hull cleaning helps improve the boat’s performance, reduces fuel consumption and prevents corrosion, among other benefits.
The frequency of cleaning depends on the boat’s usage, water conditions and type of antifouling paint used. Generally, it is recommended every 6 to 12 months.
What Is Antifouling Paint And How Does It Help?
Antifouling paint is a coating applied to the boat’s hull to prevent the accumulation of marine organisms. It inhibits growth, making cleaning easier and reducing the frequency of maintenance.
During our hull cleaning, we make sure not to damage the antifouling paint with our equipment and techniques for this.
What Are The Costs Associated With Hull Cleaning?
Costs vary depending on the size of the boat and frequency of maintenance. Get your free estimate by contacting us here.
Can I Clean My Boat's Hull Myself?
Yes, you can clean it if you have the experience and the right tools. However, for deeper cleanings or larger boats, it is advised to hire professionals to ensure a safe and effective job.
We offer the best customer service and work with customers who expect nothing less than perfection for their boats/yachts.
Get started today and experience it for yourself!